Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events

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Sunday of the Word of God

Our Holy Father, Pope Francis, has instituted the Sunday of the Word of God, to be celebrated annually on the Third Sunday in Ordinary Time. For the Sunday Masses of January 25-26, we ask you to bring your personal or family Bible to Mass with you. We want to emphasize the importance of the Bible in Catholic life and encourage one another to read and study it as a regular part of our lives as disciples of Jesus.

During the Mass we will have a commitment and blessing prayer as you hold your Bibles. After Mass we will provide you with a service to enthrone and honor the Bible in your homes.

With this in mind, let me suggest two such initiatives for every parish:

1. Parishioners bring their personal or family Bible to Mass with them on this Sunday so that the celebrant can offer a prayer of commitment and blessing over the people as they hold their own Bibles.
2. Parishioners bring their Bibles home to be enthroned in their homes, using the enthronement service I have provided. Please click on the links below for these two initiatives.

Enthrone the Bible in Your Home

Click below to access a prayer service for enthroning the Bible. You may make as many copies as you wish for your family or the families of your parish. Print on both sides to create a four-page booklet. It is available in English and Spanish. Thanks to the American Bible Society - Catholic Initiatives.

Blessing of Bibles at Sunday Mass

Click below to access a blessing prayer over the Sunday Mass congregation for Sunday of the Word of God. Instruct the people to bring their personal or family Bibles to Mass, then offer this prayer of commitment and blessing.

Click here for:
Enthrone the Bible in Your Home and Blessing of Bibles at Sunday Mass

